Laredo is the largest, most efficient port of entry on the U.S./Mexico border. In 2023, it handled 305,447 rail car shipments. Currently, there are 1,027 trade-handling, transportation-related businesses in Laredo, Texas. Including cars, over 17,131,113 vehicles, buses, and trucks crossed the Rio Grande at Laredo in 2023. A. AIR Laredo International Airport (956) 795-2000 – The Airport is located on 1,800 acres of a former U.S. Air Force Base. The airport has three paralleled runways of 8,236 feet and 8,742 feet, and a cross-wind runway of 5,927 feet. The 8,742 ft. runway is the longest commercial runway in South Texas and was reconstructed in 1997 to handle the heaviest aircraft now flying. The runways are equipped with ILS (17R), LOC BC, VOR DME, and NDB/GPS approaches. The control tower is open daily from 6 am to midnight. There are two (2) Fixed Based Operators (FBO) at LRD, Signature Flight Support and Barker Automotive that provide jet fueling, aircraft ground handling, aircraft maintenance & repairs, inspections, and full services. Commercial aviation is served by a 78,000 sq. ft. modern passenger terminal with 4 jet boarding bridges. Commercial passenger service is provided by American Airlines with service to Dallas/Fort Worth, United Airlines to Houston Intercontinental, and Allegiant Air which offers year-round scheduled service to Las Vegas. Private fixed wind and helicopter services are also available. The airport has dedicated air freight facilities in excess of 200,000 sq. ft. Scheduled Air Cargo service is provided by UPS and FedEx. There are 30+ Air Cargo charter operators that offer on-demand service from LRD including Northern Air Cargo, USA Jet, USA TSM, Kalita Charters, IFL, Everts Air, Freight Runners, and many others. For 2018, LRD was ranked as the 41st largest all-cargo airport in the United States. Non-aeronautical properties continue to be developed into a world-class medical campus. Additional City, State, and Federal facilities have been built such as a U.S. Veteran’s Clinic, State Attorney General’s Office, City Police Department, and Municipal Court. The Airport is undergoing a Land Use Development Plan to access the current properties for the highest and best use. The Airport Capital Improvement Plan for the next 5 years is approximately $50 million for the modernization of cargo aprons, construction of taxiways, airfield improvements, and noise exposure mitigation. The Laredo International Airport has become a diverse professional campus servicing both the Airline and Aviation industry and the needs of the community. B. WATER Deep Water Ports: Corpus Christi – 3rd largest port in the U.S. based on total revenue tonnage, and the 2nd largest exporter of crude oil. Channel Depth: 47 ft. Width: 400 ft. Directly connected to Laredo by the Texas – Mexican Railroad Hwy. Distance from Laredo: 156 miles Deep Water Port: Houston – No. 1 U.S. port in foreign waterborne tonnage and is one of the world’s 10 busiest ports. Channel Depth: mean low tide of 45 ft. Width: 530 ft. Directly connected to Laredo by the Texas – Mexican Railroad Hwy. Distance from Laredo: 301 miles. C. HIGHWAYS I.H. 35 – To San Antonio, Dallas & north to the Canadian Border. (Pan American Highway) Hwy 59 – To Houston, New Orleans & east. (Future I-69 Corridor) Hwy 359 – To Corpus Christi Hwy 83 – To Brownsville (east) & El Paso (west) (Proposed port-to-plain corridor) D. MOTOR FREIGHT Industrial activity in the Laredo area is served from all points by virtually every motor freight carrier in the U. S. providing interstate services. In addition, Laredo is the only border city serviced by ICC licensed cross-border “drayage” carriers that provide international service between Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. E. RAIL Laredo is serviced by Union Pacific Railroad and Kansas City Southern. Union Pacific Railroad, the largest railroad in North America. Union Pacific covers 23 states across two-thirds of the United States and has rail lines serving many major cities including Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and Houston. UP also has direct connections to all areas of Mexico and Canada. Laredo is Union Pacific’s #1 Rail Interchange Gateway on the U.S./Mexico Border. CPKC (Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway) interchanges with the BNSF (Burlington Nothern Santa Fe), UPRR, and other U.S. Railroads and owns the CPKC interchanges at Brownsville and Laredo, Texas. F. BUS SERVICE Americanos USA, Greyhound, Omnibus, Turimex, Tornado Bus Company, El Metro (Laredo Municipal Transit System), El Aguila (County Transit System). G. PARCEL SERVICE
H. TRADE HANDLING SERVICES The following Associations can be reached through the Laredo Economic Development Corporation: